We already talked about street photography with Ope Odueyungbo in the first part of this interview, and in this second part we want to focus more on London and travel photography. Keep on reading to find out more!
- Many people before you captured your own city or subject. What do you think about this? How do you behave in front of these very popular subjects?
London is probably one of the most photographed cities in the world. There’s always gonna be others out here capturing images and I think this is a good thing as it challenges not only me but others to produce photos that are different from the rest. All angles have to be considered when taking photos of popular subjects (Big Ben and the London Eye for example), I always try to shoot from a different perspective to maintain originality.

- Is there a subject you discourage us to portray in your city?
None that I can think of. I mean, providing it’s safe to do so; it’s good to see all aspects of London and not just the ‘pretty / tourist’ parts.

- Do you usually wait for the perfect time and light to shoot, or you are more “impulsive” and tend to start shooting as soon as it is possible?
I definitely tend to get up and go shoot whenever more than wait for the right time because you never know, opportunities can be missed whilst you wait.

- Let’s now talk about travel photography, why is the relation between travel and photography so strong according to you?
On many occasions you’re seeing the places you travel to for the first time so it’s a fresh perspective and a documentation of new cultures, people, land etc. In most cases it’s the images taken by photojournalists that (portray general life, culture and the best photographic spots) photographers use to determine whether they’ll travel to a certain place.
- What do you look for with your camera when you travel? Which are your favourite subjects to portray?
Most times I travel, my focus has been the people and general community. When I visited Cuba (last year), the people there were the only subjects I was drawn to and enjoyed photographing. Everyone was so vibrant and welcoming which made the experience oh so pleasant.

- Finally, we are particularly interested in the relation between travel and photography, can you please tell us something about a travel experience that has been particularly touching or interesting for you? Where would you suggest us to go?
Hong Kong was amazing! The architecture in particular, various photo opportunities everywhere you turn; a definite travel recommendation. Throughout my time there I was lucky enough to be shown around by different people who knew the best photographic areas and viewpoints, I was really pleased with the images I came back with.
You can enjoy Ope’s photography on his website opeophotography.com or by following him on instagram @greatarsenal.
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