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Name: Davide Oricchio
City: Rome and Paris
I use several types of cameras depending from the occasion mostly I use a DSLR or a mirrorless full frame.
Main photographic subject:
My favorite types of photography are urban / street photography and landscapes in both this types of photography I focus on the elements and details they have to offer and the interaction between them in my case my favorite interaction is with the light and atmosphere of the place.
My photographic stlye in mainly focused on urban / street photography and landscapes this are my favorites types of photography.
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Meet me in Rome !
write on MasterPhotoTour when you will land in Italy, I will be happy to meet you
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When did you start with photography? Where does this passion come from?
I have started with photography since I was little, while traveling around with my family and using the Kodak digital cameras or other types when I was 13/14 years old this until 2013 when I have switched to a more professional photography for work with my first DSLR. This passion comes from my family in general but in particular from my grandfather and father, they have always been fascinated by photography.
Where do you come from? Has this place been your first photographic subject?
I am from Rome, Italy currently based in Rome and Paris, Rome has been my first photographic subject and source of inspiration.
What should photography communicate according to you?
Photography according to me is way of communicating emotions and the story behind the moment.
Why is so important to capture photographs while travelling according to you?
While traveling, capturing photographs is a beautiful form of reportage it helps to focus more and to pay attention on what there is around us and that is happening.
Have you ever been to South Tyrol and what do you associate with this region?
Yes I have been in South Tyrol last year and I hope to come back late during this year in fall, I associate this region with beautiful mountains ( Dolomiti ) and lakes among the most beautiful in Europe like Lake of Carezza and Dobbiaco, but also the very well known lake of Braies and others.
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